Father Luke’s 27th Anniversary Video OUR PARISH VISION: To know, to live and to share our faith in Christ.
OUR PARISH MISSION: To know Christ, and to make Him better known by welcoming all, teaching and sharing the Faith, providing worship and spiritual growth opportunities, and serving those in need.
If you are not a parishioner and would like to join St. Agnes, Click Here
Important information about the Jubilee Year of Hope in the Diocese of Oakland can be found in the link below. It contains a listing of the Churches and other Designated Pilgrimage Sites on specific days where one may obtain the Holy Year Plenary Indulgence.
I would like to ask all Pastors and Deans to please promote and widely advertise these special days in your deaneries, regions and parishes. As Pope Francis urges us: “may we offer generous availability and self-dedication to allow the greatest possible opportunity for the faithful to benefit from the means of salvation”.
Our people are hungry and in need of opportunities like this for prayer, adoration, confession and Eucharist.
Dear Friends,
Welcome to St.Agnes Church, Concord.
St. Agnes Parish has 60 years of history and tradition. It is a very vibrant parish where everyone is warmly welcomed. We are a multicultural community and you will find parishioners and staff to be very cordial and friendly.
Here you will find a parish that gives importance to prayer, service, hospitality, stewardship and community building. We have numerous groups and organizations that are very active in the parish. Our school continues to impart quality Catholic education. Our well planned and prepared liturgy is at the center of our parish life.
If you are new to the area, we warmly welcome you to our wonderful parish, and, if you are part of the parish, I thank you for your excellent spirit, stewardship and collaboration in making our parish so very much alive. And may Christ be alive always in our hearts and our parish.
Fr. Luke